About the Program
Since the program began in 1981 NEET's dedicated volunteer drivers have driven over 2 million miles to provide this service.
Northern Essex Elder Transport, Inc. (NEET) is a non-profit volunteer driver program serving older adults in thirteen communities of the Merrimack Valley.
All transportation is arranged through the local Council on Aging. NEET supports the operational function of the organization including reimbursement at 55 cents per mile and providing drivers with free supplemental insurance.
Each Council on Aging, with support of NEET staff, recruits their own local corps of volunteer drivers. Some councils operate vans for local appointments and use the NEET transportation program for long distance rides. The program administrator interviews and goes through the guidelines with the new volunteers to maintain consistency throughout the program.

Riders who need transportation call their local Council on Aging and let them know their transportation needs and the ride is scheduled for them.
Since the program began in 1981 NEET's dedicated volunteer drivers have driven over 2 million miles. The demand for transportation has continued to increase over the years. NEET drivers, unlike other transit services, have the flexibility to adjust for changes in schedules. For example, if an senior needs a prescription refill after a doctor's visit, a side trip to the pharmacy can often be arranged.
Transportation is vitally important in helping older adults maintain their independence and the NEET program is a vital link to ensure that older adults have access to needed services and opportunities.
Our Mission
To continue developing the volunteer transportation program in the thirteen communities according to the needs of the older adults in each community.
To recruit volunteer drivers in each of the thirteen communities to provide transportation for older adults of each community.
To provide information to the aging network and outreach to the older adults in the thirteen communities so that they may know of the service and use it.
To help older adults maintain healthy and productive lives.
Equal Employment Opportunity Statement
Northern Essex Elder Transport, Inc. (“NEET”) is an equal opportunity employer. We are committed to a work environment that supports, inspires, and respects all individuals and in which processes are merit-based and applied without discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, age, disability, national or ethnic origin, military service status, citizenship or other protected characteristics.
Reasonable Modification Policy
The purpose of the reasonable modification policy is to ensure that NEET offers equal and effective opportunities and access to public transportation services for persons with disabilities and full compliance with the provisions of the Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Download the complete Reasonable Modification Policy.
If you wish to file a complaint, download and complete the Reasonable Modification Complaint Form.
NEET Title VI and ADA
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency), or disability for programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance.
Any person who believes him/herself or any specific class of persons, to be subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI (race, color, national origin (including limited English proficiency) or the ADA (disability) may him/herself or his/her representative file a written complaint with NEET, Inc.. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination, unless the time for filing is extended by NEET, Inc..
If you feel you have been discriminated against in NEET’s services, please download the appropriate complaint form and mail the completed form to the address below.
Download NEET’s Title VI Complaint Form (PDF)
Download NEET’s ADA Complaint Form (PDF)
Please mail completed form to:
Northern Essex Elder Transport, Inc. (NEET)
ATTN: Dori Sawyer, Administrator
100 Main Street, Suite 108
Amesbury, MA 01913
If you require additional assistance or a form in another language please call (978) 388-7474
Política del Título VI
La companía, Northern Essex Elder Transport, Inc., “NEET” garantiza que ninguna persona, por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional, está excluida de participar o de que le sean negados los beneficios o que sea víctima de discriminación con respecto a los servicios proveidos por la Authoridad del transporte público.
Cualquier persona que crea que él o ella a título individual o como miembro de una clase específica de personas, haya sido victima de discriminación por motivos de raza, color u origen nacional, puede presentar una queja a la companía Northern Essex Elder Transport Inc., NEET dentro de los 180 días siguientes a la fecha de la supuesta discriminación.
Para presentar una queja al NEET, contáctenos al Dori Sawyer (978)388-7474, info@driveforneet.org, envíe una carta o un formulario de quejas a 100 Main Street, Suite 108, Amesbury, MA 01913. NEET responderá dentro de 60 días de haber recibido esta queja.
Para información adicional o asistencia contacte NEET al (978)388-7474, info@driveforneet.org o envíe una carta a 100 Main Street, Suite 108, Amesbury, MA 01913.